Herbal Regulate Tea (14 day supply)
Regulate diabetes
Regulate blood pressure
Regulate hormones
Regulate eyesight
Multiple Sclerosis
Hemoglobin issues
Alcoholism Sciaticanerve pain
Female hormone balance blend
Liver cancer
Se soulèver Blend
Crohns Disease
blend Directions will be emailed. Please email globalyou333@gmail for instructions and food guide. Benefits: cures and regulates many diseases and hormonal imbalances *Not to use if pregnant*
***Advised to seek physician for any allergies ***
***Shipped in 3-5 business days ***
The Shango Oya’s Closet’s content is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice or a substitute for medical treatment. Please consult your medical care provider before using herbal medicine. Make certain of your identification prior to harvesting any plant or mushroom as ingestion, application, or other use of some plants and mushrooms may cause illness or death.
Inventory Last Updated: Feb 15, 2025